Snow, miserable snow
Ok, I am ready for spring now. We got about 6 inches of the white happy crap this afternoon. It came down very quickly. It started at about 9:00 this morning and by noon we had 4 inches. Here’s...
Ok, I am ready for spring now. We got about 6 inches of the white happy crap this afternoon. It came down very quickly. It started at about 9:00 this morning and by noon we had 4 inches. Here’s...
Ok, I am ready for spring now. We got about 6 inches of the white happy crap this afternoon. It came down very quickly. It started at about 9:00 this morning and by noon we had 4 inches. Here’s hoping that spring is coming soon…
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.
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[…] World. If you’ve read anything else posted on my website (like stuff here, here, and even here) then you probably know I have a thing for central Florida, Disney World in particular. I […]