or, "Boys, You're Wrinkling Your Costumes!"
It’s time for the annual Christmas pageant. This year the kids are performing “The First Leon.”
The worshipmusic.com website says:
Well, we will see how this goes. Ryan is “Leon,” an understudy, and Allison is “Julie,” an angel. There is a lot of dialogue and a lot of music to remember. Hopefully, all will go well this evening.
Got to go. “It’s almost curtain…”
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.
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[…] didn’t seem like Christmas until the kids performed The First Leon on December 15th. Then, the following night, the adult choir performed their cantata, which […]
Jason, we are doing The First Leon again, in fact, the 3rd time. Our problem is we do not know where our performance tape is and to buy it again does not seem possible as it may be out of stock. Would you where we could borrow a performance tape, and what would be the cost?
Grateful for any help you can do,
Ralph Bechtel
Hi Ralph. I just saw this comment. I’m pretty sure we recorded this performance back in 2007. Let me see what I can find.
Hi Ralph. I just uploaded the video to:
I don’t think it will play directly in the browser, it downloads an AVI file. Let me know if you get it!