Well, there goes the free time…
We picked up a Speed Stacks set yesterday from Target. Now, the competition is on! It really is kinda silly, but unfortunately it is addictive. Keep in mind, we are all beginners. So...
We picked up a Speed Stacks set yesterday from Target.
Now, the competition is on! It really is kinda silly, but unfortunately it is addictive. Keep in mind, we are all beginners. So those of you that rock at this, don’t laugh at our times. For example, right now, Allison holds the time for a best 3-6-3, at 6.74 seconds. I had it for about ten minutes when I had a 6.90. But I will be back at it again shortly…
This is what happens when your XBox 360 spends a little time in Texas.
better update this! who now holds the record? 😉
Yes, yes, I know, I know. You’ve got something like 6.27 or something like that, right?