The OneDrive Troubleshooter…
Troubleshooting Microsoft OneDrive (formerly "SkyDrive") when receiving an 0x800040A41: No description available message.
Troubleshooting Microsoft OneDrive (formerly "SkyDrive") when receiving an 0x800040A41: No description available message.
I’ve recently become a big fan of Microsoft’s OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) service. Apparently, the renaming conincides with Microsoft’s new “One” rebranding. You know… XBox One and all… Well, anyway, I do like the service, and thanks to bing I have about 109gb of storage “in the cloud” that integrates well with the OS.
Or I should say Did integrate well with the OS… After my most recent computer purchase I noticed a small problem…
So for a little while now I’ve had an issue with Microsoft’s OneDrive that prevented me from regularly accessing most of my files from within Windows 8.1. The error message itself was not very helpful:
Error: 0x800040A41: No description available
That is, of course, one of the least helpful errors of all… A little bit of searching revealed a little-known tool called the OneDrive Troubleshooter. This tool provided that step-by-step guide that I needed to get my files available within Windows 8.1 again.
Click Next to continue the troubleshooter.
The troubleshooter will ask if it’s okay to send information to Microsoft. Your call. That doesn’t bother me any, so let’s move on…
You’ll then have the capability to Reset OneDrive which is what I chose that led to resolving my problem.
There’s not much to it, but after running the OneDrive troubleshooter my OneDrive documents are once again available to me straight from my desktop!
This link provided the help that I needed.
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.
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