American Idol Season 13 — It’s Finale Time
"As long as you love me, we are one."
So, once again we are down to the final two on American Idol… It’s definitely true that Idol is not what it used to be but I think that’s got more to do with the oversaturation of music talent programs on TV at the moment, and not really to do with the talent that Idol still produces. Although I think they’d be hard pressed to have another season finale like season two, when Ruben and Clay went head-to-head.
The only thing left to determine this year is who will come out on top. Will it be the dark horse, “everyone-get-those-glow-sticks-up” Jena (not Jena) or will it be the rocker Caleb, who was finally reached the finals after trying out for Idol on three occasions? I honestly believe Caleb will win this evening because he will have the most supportive fans and there’s no doubt he’s talented enough to win. But as far as being the next pop star goes, I think Jena has a better shot at success. She certainly has the voice to take her far on radio, and she can command a performance.
As far as Season 13 goes… well, I liked it better than last season, but that’s not saying much. Last year was just a hot mess of freaks, led by Nicki Minaj. (Zoanette, anyone?) I read that next season Idol will be cut back to one night per week. Can’t really figure out how that’s going to work, when performances are one night, and results are the next. What, are going to have to wait a whole week before learning the singers’ fate? “Ten singers prepare to sing on Tuesday, but first, let’s see which of these ten is not going to have the opportunity to sing for America.” I can’t imagine that…
Keith, JLo, and Harry have performed well as judges. I had been rooting for Harry to be a judge since he mentored last season. He knows what he’s talking about and provides constructive criticism. Of the three, he is my favorite judge. Keith and JLo both provide appropriate commentary and are entertaining on their own, and much more tolerable than.. “some past judges.”
So now all that remains is to announce a winner. But either way, the Idol machine will roll on…
Listen to a preview of the final two’s first releases below:
Jason McIntyre
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.
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