Let It Snow
I think we’ve just about finished digging out from the 16” of snow we’ve received since Friday night. We’ve been in the house basically since late...
A C64 Christmas
Enjoy a blast from the past, courtesy of YouTube: Merry Christmas!
A funny look behind the scenes…
Here is a video from Oak Tree Productions that was taken while the producers were mixing PoG’s CD: Check out Picture of Grace’s MySpace...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hopefully, your Turkey Day will be just as fruitful as this Turkey’s:
Google ‘Chromium’ Video
Looks like Microsoft may be facing some actual competition. If Google can make an OS based on Linux that Grandma can use, well, we might have a game...
‘V’ returns to television
One of my all-time favorite shows is coming back to TV tonight. I’ve watched a few of the preview videos available online, and I will say that the...
Eric Duvall
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