Why? Just for fun.

Thursday, September 18, 2008, 10:14pm

I’ve been kind of sick for the past couple of days. I’ve just basically been taking it easy around the house.  I’ve been playing around with some classic computer emulators lately and I’ve been reading On The Edge: The...

Fey’s Perfect Palin

Monday, September 15, 2008, 12:22pm

I almost titled this “Ask and you shall receive” but that seemed too, I don’t know, religious, or something. I do find it very amusing that Tina Fey came back to play Sarah Palin–even if it’s only for just one night. ...

Well, I guess the good news is…

Saturday, September 6, 2008, 7:16pm

The Mounties certainly blew it this afternoon, huh? Of course, in the first half at least, they certainly didn’t get any help from the zebras.  They’d call a personal foul on ECU and then the ECU goofball would retaliate, and...

Playing with Utterz…

Friday, September 5, 2008, 3:56pm

This is my first utter on Utterz. I use jaiku pretty often, and I’m going to give this a try. I’d especially like to see how this “Cross Posting” concept works. I’m expecting this to show up in about three places....

So long Beijing

Sunday, August 24, 2008, 11:34pm

Well, as you’re probably aware, I’ve been glued to the television these past two weeks watching the XXIX Summer Olympics play out.  It’s always “spectacular” to watch.  The things I will take away from these...

About Jason

Picture of Jason McIntyre
Jason McIntyre
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.


Currently Playing
God Will Take Care of You / Climbing Jacob's Ladder (medley)
Hosea Williams
Freedom Songs: Selma, Alabama

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