Marathon Gaming…

Saturday, December 30, 2006, 9:23pm

Okay, we just had an hour-long game of Text Twist and ended up with a final score of 101,780. Considering we had never done better than 25,000, we were pretty happy. The kids have been upstairs playing Playstation 2, mainly the Nicktoons UNITE! game.

Getting ready for 2007

Saturday, December 30, 2006, 12:40am

Hope everyone out there had a Merry Christmas! We’ve been preparing for our New Year’s Eve party this weekend.  And of course, the Mountaineers play their bowl game this Monday. I’ve been playing the 360 a little bit lately. ...

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Sunday, December 24, 2006, 4:31pm

Merry Christmas! We’ve been visiting with relatives and friends the past few days and been over-eating all along the way. I’ve got a few new pictures to post. I’ve got a couple new ones of Allison and Ryan lighing candles at church...

Windows 95 Launch

Saturday, December 16, 2006, 5:17pm

Soon, Windows Vista will be released to the world — more than ten years after the most important product in desktop computer history — Windows 95. Windows 95 was a crucial product for Microsoft.  It proved that they were able to build...

About Jason

Picture of Jason McIntyre
Jason McIntyre
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.


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