Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Thursday, June 8, 2006, 7:45pm

Well, another quick vacation has come and gone. This time we dropped by Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for a few days. There is plenty to do in the area, and since we only had about three days to spend there we only got to hit the highlights. This is...

Memorial Day Weekend

Monday, May 29, 2006, 10:40am

The kids have had fun this Memorial Day weekend. Here are two pics that I took at the Shinnston City Park on Sunday. They also got to enjoy some Dairy Queen ice cream after the trip to the park. The weather has been very nice. It got close to...

About Jason

Picture of Jason McIntyre
Jason McIntyre
Jason is an IT specialist and systems engineer who stares frequently at screens of various sizes, often with a puzzled expression on his face. He presses buttons with letters and numbers on them until tiny dots illuminate on a flat screen in front of him and appear in a manner and order that he (or someone who is paying him) finds pleasing.


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